
8:30AM - 9:30AM ET
Registration & Networking Breakfast
9:30AM - 9:45AM ET
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Lynn Martin
Lynn Martin
Chief Growth Officer Government, Workday
9:45AM - 10:10AM ET
Reimagining the Federal Workforce in the Age of AI & Security
Carl Eschenbach
Carl Eschenbach
CEO, Workday
10:10AM - 10:30AM ET
Building an Agile, Efficient Federal Workforce
Chandler Morse
Chandler Morse
VP, Public Policy, Workday
10:30AM - 10:50AM ET
Leading with AI to Empower and Elevate the Federal Workforce
Justin Fanelli
Justin Fanelli
Acting CTO, Dept. of the Navy
10:50AM - 11:00AM ET
Mission-Driven HR: Leveraging Technology and Data to Optimize Talent for Mission Success
11:00AM - 11:20AM ET
Implementing a Skills-based Strategy in Federal Government
Dawn Zimmer
Dawn Zimmer
Principal Deputy CIO, Dept. of Energy
Kimberly Holden
Kimberly Holden
Principal Deputy Associate Director, Workforce Policy & Innovation, OPM
Lynn Martin
Lynn Martin
Chief Growth Officer Government, Workday
11:20AM - 11:35AM ET
Empowering Federal HR Through IT Modernization
Allen Hill*
Allen Hill*
11:35AM - 11:45AM ET
The Importance of IT Modernization
11:45AM - 12:30PM ET
12:30PM - 12:50PM ET
How Shared Services is Shaping the Federal Landscape
Matthew Cornelius
Matthew Cornelius
Managing Director, Federal Industry, Workday
12:50PM - 1:05PM ET
Revolutionizing Federal HR Finances
Aashna Kircher
Aashna Kircher
Group GM, Office of the CHRO, Workday
1:05PM - 1:15PM ET
Taking the Leap
1:15PM - 1:20PM ET
Closing Remarks
Lynn Martin
Lynn Martin
Chief Growth Officer Government, Workday

* Pending Agency Approval